Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Fun Stuff on Wednesday
No, the one on the left is not a CIA agent, but he does look the part! :)
Okay, this time let's all make funny faces! Aw, come on! Okay, here we go. One, two three! (at least it made them smile more).
Now let's include Sissy! :)
I took these yesterday when I went down to the Aquatic Center for a swim. My first of the year. Man, did it feel great!!! I love swimming in the deep end. I'm not big on lane swimming. I just kinda do my own thing, swimming around and doing some exercises in the water. I love sitting out in the evening sun afterwards. I'll be heading that way after work today!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Rest in Peace, R.D.

R.D. told me that during World War II he found himself in a very frightening position, standing on deck of a ship delivering supplies and troops just off the coast of Japan with bombing and gunfire all around. He told me that he prayed to God to please let him come back home to his new bride, Lillie Mae. God granted his prayer. They were married for over 50 years.
My great aunt Mae passed away in 2000. Now, R.D. and his bride are together once again. May they both rest in eternal peace.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
UT is currently hosting Destination Imagination, as we do every year. This year it's the Global Finals. Young people from all over the world are here to compete in various types of games, some highly intelligent, some just plain wacky! :) It's nice to see so many kids having so much fun! Last night I looked out my kitchen window and saw big fireworks being launched from Neyland Stadium.
I promise to try to write a more interesting entry tomorrow. I have so much on my mind that I can't seem to get it down in written form. I'm still working on my goal of working in China. In fact, it's becoming more and more of a reality. Just think. If it all comes together (and I suspect it will), I could be leaving the U.S. in a mere 11 weeks! I've got to find more boxes!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Rainbow Musings......
I suppose the gold is not always in a pot at the end, eh?
I remember writing many months ago that it was time for me to move on. I'm approaching the sixth anniversary of my 40th birthday and it's time to "do" or "forget about it." I'm opting for "doing." It's not as easy, however, to make these kinds of changes as one gets older. The details that need to be worked out seem exhausting. I have a huge house full of the detritus of life. Lots of it will need to be culled and thrown out or given away. Tiring work, yet I already imagine the freedom my brain will feel when my surroundings are pared down. Living simply is something I'm very interested in yet I seem to have some sort of block towards getting rid of things. I've become more sentimental as I age and I want to hang on to lots of thing. There was a point in my life when my son was young when we collected beanie babies. I have 5 big tubs of them totaling around 150. They've barely been touched; in "new" condition. I want to save them to give to my grandchildren for birthdays and holidays. They can drag them all around. I don't mind. I'm even keeping my son's solid pine bunkbed bedroom furniture for his children. He could care less. But I do. So I haul these possessions with me from place to place. You see....for such a nomad/wanderer/adventurer personality as I have, it just doesn't mesh well with my volume of possessions. I can't seem to reach a happy medium on this but that's exactly what I need to do in order to move to a foreign country for a while. I love the fact that I can only take two suitcases with me. It will also be a discouragement to acquires "things" that I can't bring back to the States so perhaps I'll finally get an opportunity to live simply for a year.
You know.....traveling and experiencing new cultures and places is not just self-centered frivolous sightseeing for me. For lack of a more complex way to explain it, it's simply something that I have to do. I don't want to make excuses for myself as to why I didn't pursue what could have been pursued. I want my list to be worn out and have lots of checkmarks on it. That will make me very, very happy.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Wimpy Wednesday!
Wednesday. Sigh. Nothing exciting, nothing new.....same, same, same. Oh! There is a bright spot to today: someone told me I am beautiful. And they meant it. :) It's always nice to hear compliments from folks. One compliment can make a world of difference in the middle of a crappy day. That.....and a big piece of chocolate cake!
Monday, May 14, 2007
All about mothers......

Mother’s Day came and went. My son gave me a funny card, which I appreciated. He also cleaned up his room (meaning he finally unloaded his suitcases from his move back to Tennessee 2.5 months ago). After work, Nick bought a pizza for our dinner from a small deli up the street and we enjoyed watching the Sunday night line-up together (well, I enjoyed it....he merely tolerated it). That would be Extreme Home Makeover, Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters (which I really enjoy). If I move to China, I will miss these shows. There’s not much on CCTV in English. Mostly news. But there is satellite TV and during important sports play-offs, ex-pats in Beijing might get up as early as 5:00 a.m. to watch a game in a hotel or restaurant/bar. Interestingly, I would not mind giving up television viewing. I recently quit taping my daytime shows completely. I miss them far less than I thought I would. No more soap operas, no more Oprah, no more Rosie O’Donnell on the View (LOVE her!). I can always catch up on any show via the internet.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
HB to my Favorite Son!
Guess who is 22 today! On May 8, 1985, I was living in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a rainy Wednesday at 7:50 in the morning when another voice was added to the world’s cacophony of sounds. He is working today and his co-workers will provide lunch and cake for him. I’m taking him to dinner tonight so he’s got the day covered for free meals.
The day I turned 22 years old I was spending six weeks on a sailboat with my son’s father near Gulf Shores, Alabama. It was a summer free of much worry.
I have always supported my son in his endeavors. He’ll tell you that. I may not have been able to fully fund his recent life tangents but he never lacked support and encouragement. He knows this and appreciates it. Soon, it will be time for my son to support my next life tangent. I cannot be 100% sure of the destination but I know I will be "turning course." A friend of mine is returning to her home country for a visit after a two year absence. Last night I asked her, "You're leaving in 2 days! Are you getting excited?" She said, "No, because I am already there!" I understand what she means.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Xiao Amy!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Writing My Life

I am currently reading WRITE IT DOWN, MAKE IT HAPPEN (Knowing What You Want – And Getting It) by Henriette Anne Klauser. So....I’ve written it down. There you have it. Are you excited for me?
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
A Visit to the Doctor!
Amy Li Xing has a good check-up at the doctor today. She is 6 lbs. 5.5 oz, which means she has gained 7.5 ounces since leaving the hospital. This is very good. Hen hao, hen hao! She has also grown 1/4 of an inch in length. You know what the best part of this doctor visit was? I got to feed Amy a bottle! She really is a very good little girl. She hardly ever cries. But when she does, her mother picks her up right away. I told her she should be careful, lest she "spoil the child." Who am I kidding! ha I would SO do the very same thing if she were mine! :)
Present and Past
The last photo is of my great uncle R.D. and his mother (he was born in 1914 and he'll be 93 next December). Do you think folks were told not to look at the camera lens back in those days? I love the detailed wicker work on the chair. The the gown he is wearing is amazing. I wonder what color his mother's dress was. One thing's for sure. Puffy sleeves must have been all the rage.