I will spend a year living and working in Beijing, China. My life will be enriched by the students I will teach. I will have many international friends, not only from China but from other countries as well. My apartment will be simple and small, but nice, with a great view of the city. It will have a swimming pool nearby and I will have great neighbors. Just outside my apartment building there will be many wonderful Chinese restaurants and places to buy fresh vegetables and fruit. I will spend my free time exploring the city and will travel to many surrounding cities when there are Chinese holidays. My son will visit me at Christmas and maybe my brother and sister-in-law will visit and bring my mother. I will be in Beijing during the 2008 Olympics and will drink in the atmosphere charged with excitement. I might even see a celebrity or two as they make their way to the competitions. I will become more healthy than I have been in ten years as I walk all over the city and enjoy healthy Chinese foods. I will enjoy writing during my year in Beijing and will fill many journals with renewed creativity. Many people will enjoy reading my online diary (blog) as I document my year in China. I will take incredible photographs, capturing the real essence of the people and culture of Beijing. It will be an amazing year for me and will fulfill a very strong and special goal. Living in Beijing will bring richness into my life that I never imagined and will define how I live out the rest of my life. I will love my year in China.
I am currently reading WRITE IT DOWN, MAKE IT HAPPEN (Knowing What You Want – And Getting It) by Henriette Anne Klauser. So....I’ve written it down. There you have it. Are you excited for me?
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