That's my hand under Amy's hand and Nana's hand over Amy's arm! Truly a miracle, babies!

Amy holds on to Nana!

In many ultrasounds Amy was seen with her hands around her face. Now that she is born she still likes keeping her hands around her face. It gives her comfort!

What an adorable Asian beauty!

Amy lays sideways in one of her little bouncey things. She went to the doctor today and has gained one ounce since she left the hospital 3 days ago. Both Mom and daughter are learning the art of nursing and the fact that Amy has gained an ounce is a good thing. Amy is still only performing two tricks: eating and sleeping (well, I guess pooping makes 3, right?). Soon, however, she's going to have more awake time and her little eyes will be darting here and there. And I will be there to take many, many photos. So if you don't want to see lots of pictures of my little girl (okay...technically she's not mine) then tune back in around mid-June when Tracy will join Hua in Boston and, unfortunately, take Amy with her. :( But until then..........
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