Love, Lucy Blue

In A Corner of My Mind.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

And Now for Something Completely Different.....

Remember those kittens I caught and got adopted last year? These are them. Cinnamon and Sugar. They were adopted by a terrific cat-loving family who lets them eat at the table with their own high chairs!!!!
Well, Mama Cat has had two more litters. I couldn't get any of the second litter and below is a kitten of the 3 from the third litter. We're trying to find this little calico a home.

I've decided that since I can't NOT feed these feral cats every day (they live under a house across the street from mine), I'm just going to have to move. When I come home from work and open my screen door (which makes a high-pitched sound) they are all lined up in the yard across the street and start meowing. They also know the "jingle" of my keys. I've become a "crazy cat lady" and I'm not proud of it. I'm thinking of entering cat-dependency rehab.


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