My great uncle passed away last week. He was born in 1914 and was 92 years old. His father worked on the streetcars of downtown Nashville back in the day. R.D. was a Merchant Marine during World War II. Wikipedia states: "The U.S. Merchant Marine is made up of the nation’s civilian-owned merchant ships and the men and women that crew them. The merchant marine transports cargo and passengers during peace time. In time of war, the merchant marine is an auxiliary to the Navy and can be called upon to delivery troops and supplies for the miliary. These marines are civilians except in times of war when, in accordance with the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, they are considered military personnel." Merchant marines now have full veteran status. It was said during World War II that the merchant marines made victory possible. It was said that they were the "first to go, last to return, highest casualty rate, no promised benefits." Thanks to H.R. 23, merchant marines now have certain military benefits and have been issued, as of January, 2007, a belated thank you for their service to our nation. The average age of a mechant marine is 82.
R.D. told me that during World War II he found himself in a very frightening position, standing on deck of a ship delivering supplies and troops just off the coast of Japan with bombing and gunfire all around. He told me that he prayed to God to please let him come back home to his new bride, Lillie Mae. God granted his prayer. They were married for over 50 years.
My great aunt Mae passed away in 2000. Now, R.D. and his bride are together once again. May they both rest in eternal peace.
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