Love, Lucy Blue

In A Corner of My Mind.....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wimpy Wednesday!

A little spring beauty!

I'm going to miss my big blue house. It's been a good four years there but it's time to move on. I'm also going to miss my big car!

Can you spot the little kitty?

I'm invisible, I'm invisible, You do not see me!

These are the ones that live across the street. They're nearly full grown now. What will happen to them when I'm not around to feed them anymore????


Mommy is a little tired!
Wednesday. Sigh. Nothing exciting, nothing new.....same, same, same. Oh! There is a bright spot to today: someone told me I am beautiful. And they meant it. :) It's always nice to hear compliments from folks. One compliment can make a world of difference in the middle of a crappy day. That.....and a big piece of chocolate cake!


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