I'll miss you Altruda's!
In A Corner of My Mind.....
So I got a lot done this weekend.....but oh so much more to do!!!! It's so overwhelming that I'm actually looking forward to the 13 hour flight to Beijing from Chicago because then I can SLEEP! :) I did make great headway this weekend and rented my storage space for the year. I just hope it's enough space! I have so much to do while at the same time working all this week. It's far more than I counted on. I thought I'd quit work on the 31st and have at least a week or so to get things situated. But you know what they say. Just when you make plans......
Was that a crazy wired post late last night or what? I'm so tired. But here's the facts. I'm overnighting my visa application today, I've purchased my ticket and I'm leaving next Sunday, September 2, at 5:44 a.m. for Chicago and then on to Beijing, arriving at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, September 3.
So I just got off the phone with my DOS (Director of Studies), who will be my boss in China and who is female and American, and we have ironed out a lot of details. I also was able to talk with the CM (Center Manager) of my school who is Chinese but speaks with excellent English (I'm SO glad). So here's the deal. It's a very real possibility that I am going to be leaving for Beijing in just ONE WEEK! Yep! And there is a trip to Hong Kong in my future to obtain the proper working visa that I will need. The trip will be at the expense of my company so.....can you believe it? I'm going to get to see Hong Kong, even if just for an overnight stay to obtain my working visa! Trust me, I will use those 24 hours to see all that I can in Hong Kong and a friend of mine knows someone who lives there who might be willing to host me!!!!! Oh.....the things I need to do!!!!! I might be up all weekend packing and working out all the details. But I couldn't be more thrilled. I'll have time to sleep later, right? :) This is how China works, folks. I should have expected it. After so long of "I'm not sure, I'm not sure".....all the sudden I AM sure and now I must leave sooner than expected!!!!! Man. Unbelievable. More tomorrow (Friday) when I know more of the details. It's a good thing that I've been preparing. It's nearly midnight on Thursday night and I'm not sure WHEN I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. I very well may be overnighting my passport to Washington DC tomorrow!!!! Oh the EXCITEMENT!!!!!
I'm blogging to you from home so no interesting photo with this blog! :( Things moved slowly at first but now they are definitely picking up! Although there are still some issues, it looks like I may be jet-bound for Beijing on September 5 which means I'll arrive the afternoon of September 6. Yes, folks, I could be blogging to you from the future (I'll be 12 hours ahead of all in the U.S.) in less than 2 weeks. I'm very excited but also overwhelmed with all I have left to do. Forgive me if there aren't many posts in the next few days but I will definitely update with results. I'll be setting up a new blog just for China and it will be with typepad.com because currently blogspot.com is blocked in China. I can post to this blog but I won't be able to see it so I'll do most of my blogging from my new website which I'll post on this website so no worries. I'll also continue to post to this website, which I can do from China, I just won't be able to see it. But you folks will be able to see it. So I may post to this blog only about once a week or so but quite frequently to my new blog. I'm thinking of calling it "tinchina." Get it? "T" in China? Okay......logging off for tonight and perhaps some more definite news tomorrow! Lucy Blue is definitely excited about the day to come! I could be eating delicious Chinese food in less than 2 weeks! Honestly? I just can't wait!!!!!
I received an email today from Andrew in Shanghai. The local government in Beijing must have a copy of my TEFL certificate before my papers can be processed. Therefore, I'll be double-timing it with the rest of my lessons, meaning there will be no time to blog this coming week. Once I get my TEFL certificate, scan it and send it to China, everything should be fine.