You Make Me Laugh.....

In the meantime, however, let's have a few laughs at the expense of my son! It's a mother's right......right? So here's the deal. I like to write and I like to record things. I've been recording my own thoughts and views for many, many years. Anyway.....I tried to keep an ongoing record of things my little boy said that were funny. I only recorded a few when you consider all the hilarious stuff that comes out of young mouths. Here's a few of the few. Ready to laugh?
"When I was on the playground today, I asked God, please make this ear quit hurting. He didn't." - 4.5 years old
"My tummy hurts bad. It hurts like I'm having a baby." - 4.75 years old
"If you don't want to waste your money, you can always write a check!" - 5 years old (this statement was made in K-Mart when he really wanted a teenage mutant ninja turtle suitcase.
"I got five happy faces today. You're going to be proud at me!" ha ha 5 years old
"Momma, on the playground today someone kicked me in the ribbons." (pointing to his ribs). 5 years old
10/04/90 (5.5 years old) - We had just eaten supper and I told my son to go upstairs and put his pajamas on. I told him to put the ketchup in the refrigerator on the way up. He said, "Why do I always have to do everything for you? I'll just drive you to work in the morning!"
And at the ripe old age of 7 years old........
Nick was at his Nana's watching TV (the Golden Girls) and they kept saying, "shacking up for the weekend" on this episode. Nana peeked her head in and said, "Nick, what do they mean when they say 'shacking up for the weekend'"? He looked at her with a "you dummy" look and said, "Nana, it means having sex!"
Yeah.....that's my boy! :)
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