Last Friday at 5:00 in the morning I took Tracy and Amy to the airport. The next day I picked up Nana, returning from a trip to the Republic of Georgia, her home country, for three weeks.
She brought me these delicious candles! ha ha No, they're not candles, but they LOOK like candles, don't they? Hand-dipped candles. They are CANDIES! They are filled with peanuts and walnuts and gooey stuff and the outside is sugary and you eat the whole thing....except the string, of course. I've never seen anything like this! Isn't it interesting? Nana says these are about .50 a piece. They are really good!

Yep. Just like a candle!

Oh, and she brought me a handful of Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian chocolates and hard candies! You gotta love a friend who will haul chocolate back from halfway around the world for you! :)

This is the inside of the darkest one. It's walnuts and it's delicious! You're just going to have to trust me!

The thin amber-colored ones have hazelnuts in them. I can't figure out how they strung the hazlenuts, though. Odd.

Nana bought this little Georgia clay bowl back with her. She's going to keep all her "found" money in it! :)

She also brought this beautiful elephant pillowcase cover back for herself!

See? I didn't kill Nana's plants while she was gone.

And she even brought back a Georgian drinking horn for my brother, who was jealous of mine! ha

Tracy and Amy are safely in Boston now in their new 2 bedroom apartment. It's on the third floor of a house and they have a wonderful landlord couple who lives on the first floor. The landlord has already helped them out by taking them to a couple of store.

Amy is around 9.5 lbs. now and she'll be 7 weeks old tomorrow. Tracy and Hua have promised me they will send lots of photos and videos. They better! :)
So a dear friend left town and a dear friend returned to town. And soon....this dear friend may be leaving for a year in the Middle Kingdom! How exciting is that?