Love, Lucy Blue

In A Corner of My Mind.....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Yes, Lucy, There is a Santa Claus!

Whew! I'll be able to make it in China after all!
By 5:00 today I'll be $175 poorer. But my car will be boasting 2 new tires. Would you like to buy it?
Next Tuesday is the 6th anniversary of my 40th birthday and there is a nice big dinner party in the works at Altruda's. And, of course, I'll be having what I always have: Salciccia Melanzani (for you non-Italian speaking folks that's "sausage eggplant"). I've eaten at Altruda's probably 15-20 times and I've never once ordered anything different. I came close once. In the end, however, I figured why take the chance on having anything less than an excellent dining experience for my tastebuds.


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