Here's a couple of random photos from my trip to China. I have hundreds stored on my computer and not enough funds to convert them to paper. Yet. This man was fun to talk with. He spoke English and was a professor of psychology at a university in Beijing. Many older Chinese practice their Chinese calligraphy with these types of brushes and you can see the water bottles attached to the tops of the handles. Water flows through the bars and out the brushes and they literally practices their strokes on the sidewalks of smooth slate or other surfaces. It's very interesting because the characters quickly fade. The character you see in the top photo is the character for "America." It's one of the few characters I know. And speaking of things Chinese (I know, I know, I talk about China a lot).....I will be viewing a movie called "Up to the Mountain, Down to the Village" tonight in the Library auditorium. It's about 3 Chinese citizens who were sent to the farms during the Cultural Revolution. They had no agriculture experience. This is how it was during those unfortunate years in China. It tells of their struggles and their perseverance in very trying years. Prior to the movie "Chinese snacks" will be served at the I-House. I wonder what that will be. My friend and I will check it out. More later, LB
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