Two nights ago I walked to the UT Library to view a Brazilian film with English subtitles entitled, "Sex, Love and Betrayal." It was a comedy but had some breathtaking views of Rio. I have always wanted to visit Rio de Janeiro. Sometimes the next best thing is watching movies made in a country you'd like to visit. I enjoy what I learn about other cultures from watching foreign films. Last night I watched a Chinese movie called "The World," which was filmed in Beijing. I saw it with Yeheng and Hua. I felt some excitement each time I could pick out a few words in the dialogue and understood what they meant. I also learned new words by hearing them from the actor as the subtitles were displayed. Tonight.....(yeah, lots of movies on campus this week)....I'll see "Born Into Brothels," a documentary about children born to mothers who are prostitutes in Calcutta, India's "red light" district. Filmmakers gave children cameras to take photos of their environment. The film won an Academy Award. More tomorrow.
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