This is the hard-core wear orange student section.

Go big T!

The Pride of the Southland Marching Band!

Air Force got smart! The stadium makes a habit of always booing the opposing team when they emerge from the locker room. AF ran out on the field just as UT was running through the "T" so the crowd was cheering like crazy. No booing for AF. Smart.

Time for a TD!

Kick it, Wilhoit!

My friend, Hua, really enjoyed the game. He can't quite sing Rocky Top yet but he's getting there. The crowd around us got a kick out of his enthusiasm, which would sometimes erupt when everyone else's enthusiasm was silent! :)

This is Inquoris "Inky" Johnson being removed from the field. Season-ending injury for him.

Oh my gosh! What happened? 31 to 17 lead and now it's what???? This, my friends, is why you never leave a UT Vols game at half-time!

This was shot with 30 seconds to go and as you know, we hung on for the lead. But I still don't understand why, with 1:35 left in the game, AF didn't go for the tie with a kick rather than the conversion. Then again, I'm no football strategist. I don't have tickets to this Saturday's Florida game. Those who know me know that I rarely attend an entire game. This season, 2 games in, I've attended both and all of them. I'm sure this is why we're winning. I hope my non-attendance this Saturday doesn't cause trouble. Maybe someone will come up with a ticket for me. It could happen.
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