Nora Ephron has a new book out called "I Feel Bad About My Neck." She is around 65 and writes about what "really" happens to your body when you’re a woman and you’re heading towards, through, and out of menopause. I saw her on a talk show recently and she was hilarious. She gives such sage advice in the book as "If the shoe doesn't fit in the shoe store, it's never going to fit." I think I’d like to read this book. Maybe I’ll put it on my Amazon.com wish list. I’ve never received a gift in the mail from someone seeing my amazon.com wish list and deciding to send something to me. It’s a little much to hope for, don’t you think? Of course, I’ve never actually told but one person that I even have a wish list. I keep a few items on there to remind me of what I’d like to have if I could have it. Things that aren’t crucial for survival (okay, the sheets are an actual need) but might just make me smile. We all need things like that.
And speaking of necks, I really don’t mind mine...yet....but you still can’t see it.
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