The day after Christmas, N and I drove to San Diego. The deal was that N would pay for the hotel room and I would cover the car rental (a very nice silver Dodge Charger; yep, it had a hemi) and gas and food and drinks and stuff. N got the better deal. He researched the hotel possibilities and made the reservation himself, choosing the Mission Bay Inn. It was a good choice. We were 3 blocks from the Bay and 2 miles from the ocean. The first thing we did was head to the ocean to watch the sunset. Amazing. I haven't been to San Diego since I was 9 years old and only remember the Old Town, the zoo and going to Tijuana where my mother expertly bargained for some marakas for ten cents (hey...it was 1970), even walking away and the guy came after her, agreeing to the deal. I have those green marakas on my shelf in my guest bedroom today. Ah, digression. Anyway......I had no idea the Pacific Ocean in southern California was so beautiful. I suppose I'm partial to the beautiful colors of the Gulf of Mexico. The waves were incredibly large due to a windy day and there were some crazy surfers trying to get in a few more rides before the lifeguard shut them down. That night we drove downtown to the Gaslamp District and enjoyed some great Mexican food. N and I both love Mexican food. The Gaslamp District is nice; very commercial and full of tourists.
On Wednesday we drove through Oceanside, alongside the ocean (duh), stopping for fresh bagels at the Buzy Bee Bagel shop. Continuing up to La Jolla, we came upon an overlook and although N didn't want to stop, I was driving and the driver rules the car. We stopped. Good thing, too. We spent a minute or two gazing out at the ocean beyond a small cove and beach and then it hit me. Oh my gosh, those are seals! :) I said, "N, look at all those seals!" He said, "Huh?" I said, "Those are seals!" (M R pigs, M R not, S M R......sigh, another digression). He started laughing because neither one of us actually understood what we were seeing at first. N thought they were just big clumps of sea weed. Apparently, it's pupping season and the beach was full of pregnant females. No pups yet.
Tomorrow pics of Laguna Beach and another great Mexican meal.
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