Stopping by on a Hot Summer Day....

Song: What does "get started" mean?
LB: Well, it means "To begin."
Song: Oh, okay. And what does it mean "stop by."
LB: It means to come by, you know, to stop in, to go there.
Song: I'm sorry. I do not understand. Could you speak slower?
And this is where it gets amusing. I began speaking much slower, although I try never to speak with any speed during our sessions.
LB: Okay. If your professor tells you to "stop by" his office after work and this is his door (drawing a square on a piece of paper), then you would do this (and I used my two fingers, pretending they were the legs of a person and "walked" up to the "door" and then stopped). What did I just do?
Song: You stopped.
LB: EXACTLY! So when someone says to "stop in" or "stop by" they are just saying to come by and see them, instead of walking on past his office door, you STOP and see him. (LB smiles)
Then the lightbulb goes on in their eyes and I get my reward! It’s what I love the most about helping them with their English. I think I truly missed my calling. Which is, you know, a little sad. But I do enjoy these guys and wish I had more formal training in teaching. I feel like I'm not very good but they seem to enjoy the little sessions we have.
This Friday there will be about 20 folks in my home for a beer and pizza party. It's a very special occasion. I can't tell you about it yet because some of them read my blog and I'm keeping it a surprise. I can say, however, that there will only be one American at the party. :)
My son has two friends visiting Las Vegas right now and like a good host he picked them up at the airport and drove them to their hotel. Which is, of course, Hooters. Later, he took them to the Rio where the World Series of Poker is being held. My son's friend decided to spend $200 and play a little poker. He walked away 8 hours later with $5,500. Yeah, that's right. I said my son's friend, not my son. Damn.
Enjoy reading very much, you are very talented,those guys are lucky to have you as a friend.
Well, thanks hager! :) I love to get comments and I get very few of them. Sometimes they email me directly and that's great but I love to see comments directly on my blog. Regarding my recent entry about my great uncle several people emailed me with stories of their own that were sparked by my entry. I really enjoyed the feedback. As to my int'l friends, it's a lot of two way luck we have going. They tell me they are lucky for having met me and I tell them the exact same thing!
Thanks for reading!
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