I have visited the countries in red. I have been obsessed with Beijing lately. I want to move there. Actually, it feels more like a need. I know, I know. People who read this who think they know me just call me crazy and some think I'm irresponsible. That's okay. It's only important that I know I'm not crazy and out of what motivations my desires and actions are borne. If it weren't for my problem with trying to be what I perceive is expected of me, it's quite possible I wouldn't be here (in Knoxville) right now. I'd be off on a wonderful life adventure. So therein lies the problem. The only person keeping me from fulfilling some long-time dreams and adventures is myself. And money, of course. Because in the end, it always comes down to money, doesn't it? It's easy to look at my life and see that I'm not a huge fan of money and money is not a huge fan of me. We try to spend as little time together as possible.
Okay.....now I'm getting a little silly. Hey. It's a Monday......
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