And Lived to Tell About It......

This is Sand Myrtle (and also some more rhododendron).
It's June 17th at 8:00 in the morning and we've just started out on the 5.5 mile Alum Cave Bluff Trail to Mt. LeConte. I warned Li-yin that I would huff and puff a lot. I warned her that once we hiked beyond the halfway mark I'd probably start whining about how I was tired of going UP. I even acted out what it means to "whine" so she would know what I meant. :) She wanted to hike anyway, so away we went. Making the halfway point, the bluffs, by 10:00 was great. The remainder of the hike, however, took 3.5 hours. We stopped a lot: "hey, look at this view," "hey, I need some water," "hey, I need to put on some chapstick," (okay, you don't really have to stop to do that but whatever). You get the picture. :) More later, LB
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