Beside the word "cute" in the dictionary, doesn't it say "kitten"? This is one of a litter of four from a feral stray mama cat that I feed outside behind my house. I started petting the kittens early on to try and "domesticate" them. Largely, I've been successful. Mama hauled one of the kittens across the street and left it under a back porch. She didn't tell me why she did that. Two days later I mentioned to my neighbor across the street that one of my little kittens was missing and I feared the worse. He said he'd been hearing meowing under his porch. I told him to please check. He did and immediately fell in love. It was one of the two tortoise shell kittens. With that one safely rescued and taken care of, I concentrated on the other 3. I caught two of them yesterday, the orange tabby and the one above. The orange tabby is already taken and the little alien kitten above (the runt) is staying with her brother, the tabby, until adopted out. The other tortoise shell, I fear, will be relinquished to the feral cat community since he/she is too quick for me and darts under the house now when I come close. Three out of four isn't bad, though. Not at all. I took the 2 kittens inside my house for a bit and Max, my 12 year old male cat, let me know right away that they were not welcome. Max is truly a loner cat.
So at the end of the day yesterday, 2 little kittens were safe and snug in their own little kitty condo up the street from me. I'll be able to visit. I hope the one above gets adopted by someone close.
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