I love where I work. I can walk there. For the most part, the folks I work with (save a couple) are very nice, generous, down-to-earth people. I have many "work" friends. Again, I love where I work. My "job" is a different story. However, I have adjusted and learned how to make certain benefits more than make up for my boring, unstimulating, brain-to-mush job (the whole older, wiser thing). One of my "tricks" is to escape during lunch. Those who really know me....well, they know where I go, they know where I sit in the back of the room, and if they’re smart, they’ll leave me alone during lunch. :) When I see someone who doesn’t know better walking toward me I sometimes silently scream, "Go away, go away! Can’t you see my head is bent down and for gosh sake’s, I have my reading glasses on! Now scram!" But they continue walking toward me and eventually I’m forced to raise my head, lower my glasses, and act like a respectable human being. I even know how to smile while thinking of verbage that will prompt them to quickly speak their mind and.......well......leave!
Today was a good day. :)
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