Live and learn.....

On a sad note, I lost one of my little feral kitties that lives underneath the house across the street last weekend. This cat (sex unknown) couldn't have been more than 4 months old. I've stopped feeding all the neighborhood cats on my front porch but I do take food to places I know they're hanging out from time to time so they don't starve. This one couldn't compete with the traffic. It's the first time I've personally cleaned an animal up off the street but the marathoners were coming through so there was no time to call animal control. This kitty was orange and white. It's sibling is gray and white and I'm hoping it doesn't meet the same fate. There's another kitty, also very young and tiger-striped, that is full with kittens right now and she is living under the house next door to mine. I feed her on my little side porch. I wish I could catch her before she drops her litter but the chances are slim. I can only get within about 4 feet of her as she meows. I feel pretty certain that after feeding that other litter for 2 years (which I eventually trapped, sterilized, domesticated as best I could, and then found homes for them), I've become known to all the feral cats in the neighborhood as the house where there's always food. It doesn't take much to create a feral colony. A student gets a cat, think it's all cute and everything and then pretty much abandons it when they move....and they move a lot. The cat gets pregnant, etc. etc.
My son is coming home for the summer or at least most of the summer. He says he's bringing his own cat with him, who was named Purr when he adopted him from the vet. Purr has been declawed. Max hasn't (I don't much believe in ripping off a cat's defense mechanism). Max is a loner cat and doesn't really play well with others. It's going to be very interesting for a couple of months. :) I imagine there's going to be some cat hair flying about.
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