Photos of some nice trees in my neighborhood.

And, oh yeah, please stop the war.....

The big trees outside my house are beginning their slow strip tease act.....

......so you are all welcome to visit with a rake in hand! :) Here's a funny story. Two years ago I had raked all the leaves into a HUGE pile at the edge of my yard, right next to the sidewalk. Apparently, a couple of drunk guys had a little fun jumping around in them late one night. The next day I noticed these guys going through all the leaves with their bare hands. I said, "Uh, are you looking for something?" One said, rather sheepishly, "Yeah, I think I lost my glasses in these leaves last night." I said, "Well, let me get you some gloves because there's all kinds of nasty dog poop raked up in those leaves." The guy just groaned. And he did not find his glasses.
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