Pictures and Words

Being that I’ve embarked on a ambitious little program of health eating and exercise, I took a nice 20 minute walk after lunch (green beans and tuna fish, no bread, unsweet tea). Snapped a few shots along the way. Tonight I will meet with Renato and Mega and we will talk some crazy English at a coffee house. It’s Korean Culture Night at the I-House and you know what that means: delicious Korean food. I believe that all Asian foods are healthy foods.
I looked over a lot of my poetry last night that was haphazardly stacked under the coffee table. I even revised a couple. That’s the funny thing about poems. If you let them sit for a while and revisit seems easier (at least for me) to see the flaws and edit them. I’ve been thinking of making a little chapbook of the poems. I probably have around 70-75 poems, maybe more. Would that be just the most awful gift ever? To give someone a chapbook of your poems? Some things I write are very close to my heart and emotional and actually letting someone read those words would be like disclosing my personal journal entries. I fear what people might think and even as I type these words, I smile. It just sounds ridiculous. Fear of other’s thoughts? Sometimes I write things out of frustration over a little thing. I’ve ranted about cell phones before. Two years ago I apparently wrote a poem regarding this frustration. A silly thing, really.
The Everlasting Mobile Phone
Such a nuisance
Intrusive, obnoxious
Loud speech
Restaurants, cinemas, my elevator
Ridiculous sounds
Artificial glows
Mounting daily
Tethering humanity
Scarring privacy.
Have I mentioned that I now have a mobile phone? About a month now. Yep. Me. And that, my friends, is a fine example of the irony of life.
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