Tangible and not so tangible!
Sometimes you can learn a lot from an email or letter. The beauty of handwritten letters is that they can be kept and bundled, handed down....later generations enjoying reading of what life was like for the sender and recipient all those years ago. Emails.....well, they provide for constant and instant contact. Which is good. But who keeps emails? There's too many. I tried doing that with one particular friend; printing out all her emails to me and mine to her. But we tend to email each other anywhere from 2 to 8 times a day. Not practical. Emails are stealing little bits of history.....but we won't realize that until some years to come. I think I should discipline myself to write at least one letter a week to a friend or family member. As it is, I get hand cramps from handwriting in my journal because I just don't "write" that much. Here's an email I sent today:
Megan, I don't think meeting on Tuesdays will be a problem. Would January 17 work for you as a first/organizational/slight discussion of book meeting? We can discuss which Tuesday of the month we want to meet onward at that meeting. I'm excited that Sarah, who is studying in Egypt next semester, wants to be involved via email! :) She says she'll read the books in Egypt and email us her comments. What fun that will be!
P.S. I'm just curious.....what area of Anthropology are you mastering in? It's a big interest of mine. I took as many anthro classes as I could in undergrad without having to declare it my major. One of my favorite professors is Dr. Logan and I'd kill (figure of speech of course) to get to walk around the Body Farm with Dr. Bass! Forensics is also an interest of mine but then I'm someone who was thrilled to see an autopsy! :) My biggest interest is cultural anthropology and ethnographic work. If I could start all over again.....I'd major in anthropology. I'm sure of it. My degree, however, is in History.
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