Still Friends
This describes me:
Get outta the street!
What? Abandon my home?
Good or not so good
It's where life travels along
Get outta the street!
But I can’t hear you
My world is loud
Where I am most comfortable
Get outta the street!
And give up or in?
Let life flow by?
Without me in it?
Get outta the street!
Because I might get hurt? blood already spilled.
Get outta the street!
You must be a Republican
Sidewalks are for Conservatives
Liberals live for the streets!
Get outta the street!
Don’t you see I can’t?
Life among the jams
Validation among chaos.
Get outta the street!
You must be kidding
The street is my life
I’ve mastered the skip and dodge
When I'm ready to give up
When stamina eludes me
When the mad dash is complete
I'll get outta the street!
This describes a dear friend:
She’s a Sidewalk Sitter
She’s quiet as she observes
She likes to play it safe
But she ain’t no quitter!
She’s a Sidewalk Sitter
She’s smart enough to know
The streets can be unforgiving
And set her heart a-twitter!
She’s a Sidewalk Sitter
She scoots back from the curb
Some say she’s running scared
But that don’t make her bitter!
She’s a Sidewalk Sitter
She smiles because she knows
Her life is good and calm
She ain’t lookin’ for no glitter
She’s a Sidewalk Sitter.
(read this one out loud in a very southern, cowboy-sort of accent and drag out the "side" in "Sidewalk" so that it sounds like "siiiiiiiide" Come on, try it.)
I like to have adventures; live a bit precariously, without much of a safety net.
My dear friend likes to read about my adventures and live a much calmer life.
She'll most definitely live longer than me.
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