LB, the Protestant Singer!
I had a great day yesterday on the movie set. The movies are based on a series of books called The Work and the Glory ( and although fictional characters are used, it is the true history of Joseph Smith and the Mormon Church. Yesterday, I was one of seven extras who portrayed Protestant congregants who are coming to see this man they have heard of (Joseph Smith, played by Jonathan Scharfe) who can heal people. We're in 3 horse and buggies. We're traveling along to Kirtland, Ohio to see this great young man for ourselves and we're singing. We sang Holy Manna in four part harmony, acapella, and it really was very nice. They recorded the sound separately and will dub it in later. We were done with wardrobe, hair and makeup and on location at 7:00 a.m. We left the set for the day at 6:20 p.m. A long day. At the very end of up the day they wanted a shot of the congregants in their buggies going along the landscape, etc. It would be one of horse pulling MY buggy that decided he was ready to quit and go home. He pawed at the ground. He started trying to walk sideways. He started jerking his head. My seat mate was sufficiently spooked and saying, "I'm outta here" he jumped out of the buggy. I stayed put but only for about 10 seconds because when the horse appeared to be ready to start raring up the professional wrangler in the front seat turned around and said, "you might want to get out, now!" In my long dress and long cape, me and my bonnet jumped out! ha They ended up having to replace that horse with a "look-alike" horse. We finished shooting the scene and it was a wrap for the day. Even though there was a lot of down time for the singing extras.....I more than enjoyed standing and watching all the things that go into making a movie. Sam Hennings and Brenda Strong were also there for the scene. Brenda is the narrator for the show "Desperate Housewives" and she played such a desperate housewife that she shot herself in the head on the first episode (Mary Alice). Most recently, Sam Hennings had a small part in The Aviator. Everyone was very nice. I learned a very important thing, however. When food is brought out onto the set and passed around to the cast and crew.....don't attempt to reach for any. This is the good, warm snacks. Extras get "other" food (that's exactly what she said, "there's 'other' food for you all") which was cheap vanilla wafers and chocolate chip cookies! ha ha In the afternoon, the cast and crew received cute little sandwiches and apple wedges. What did we get? You guessed it. Some crackers and some cheeze-its. I kid you not. Such food inequity! :) However, I must say that the catered breakfast and lunch was wonderful.
Lol, that does sound like fun. Good you didn't get hurt in the process. "Uh, just a little traffic accident... See, I was in this horse-drawn buggy..."
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