Same Song, Second Verse

I got a lot done over the holiday weekend, which was nice. I spent about four hours at the coffee house yesterday (yet I didn't drink any coffee, just tea). I completed a handwritten journal entry, a page in my art journal, and wrote two letters by hand for overseas friends. I also did a little reading and had a delicious bowl of soup. Geez! I sound about 80 years old, don't I! Well, so be it. There's something about dragging all my crap to the coffee house that inspires me to get things done. Maybe that's why the place was packed. Most were taking advantage of the free wireless but for me it's a time to put aside technology and get back to basics. Tomorrow I'll show you a page or two in my new "ticket stub" journal. I am really enjoying making lists these days (does that reflect upon my age?). Fun lists. I've made a list of all the countries I've visited in the order visited (an entirely too-short list) and a list of all my various jobs, states and cities visited, addresses, etc. My recent art journal page was entitled "I'd Like To Do More Of This List" and I had a lot of fun with it. So what would you like to do more of? A couple of things on my list was "walk in my neighborhood" and "swim" (I love to swim).
I did something I've never done last night? Intrigued? I let my friend cut 3-4 inches of hair off my head! She did an excellent job. Now I wish I had agreed to a few more inches. She claims to be able to give me a wonderful dye job but I'm just not there yet. Soon, though. I'm tired of yanking out all those damn gray hairs. I've decided to just let them take over for now. You have to get pretty close to me to see them. But I know they're there.....lurking among all the lovely brown hairs. And that's really all that matters.
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