Lots of Hip Action!

This past Monday night I went to my first Cuba Salsa, Caribbean Merengue dance class! Because I didn’t want to be the only 40-something there....I invited my best friend Tammy to come along. :) My friend Nana also joined us. It was a ton of fun! There must have been 50-60 folks there (mostly students) and I’m betting there were at least 20 countries represented. For me, it has easily replaced contra dancing on Monday nights, which I enjoyed but I love the much faster pace of the Latin dancing.
Tonight it’s Indian Culture Night at the I-House. I’m looking forward to some great home-cooked Indian food and my first henna tattoo. No worries, though. I’ll definitely be home in time for "Lost." :)
Update a week later: The hand above is not mine but my artwork looked much the same. Now, mine is nearly gone. But I did enjoy it and I may have to purchase some henna and create my own now. :)
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