The Coming of Spring and No. 200!
It's interesting to peek in on someone’s life from time to time. It can make you feel real good about your own. It can make you laugh. It can provide one of those "Ah, hah!" moments. I enjoy reading a handful of blogs daily. I have corresponded with the authors of several of them. A few of them are: Sage, a homeschooling mother who moved to Toronto, Canada because she and her husband disagreed so vehemently with President Bush. Kim, a 30-something woman who is a masseuse and her husband a photographer. They just had a little baby girl and they live outside Sedona, Arizona. I also read the blogs of 2 people living in China, one a young American male teaching English and the other a young female Beijinger. You may wonder if I have too much free time at work. I do have a certain amount of free time at work. However, I read these blogs on my lunch and coffee breaks (smiling).
Okay, enough nonsense about my blog and other bloggers. I have something very important to say on this, the 200th entry. If you did not see Oprah’s one hour special about the school for girls she opened in South Africa, it’s coming on again Saturday (I think in the early evening). It’s on ABC. You really, really should watch it. Every school age kid should watch those African girls express their unbelievable gratitude at being able to go to Oprah’s Leadership Academy. It’s the words of the girls that are most amazing. It's the obstacles they live with every day yet are the best in their class that makes them so remarkable. Watch it. Watch it with your kids. You won’t regret it.
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